Jyoti Rao, Ph.D.
Jyoti Rao has a PhD in Microbiology from the Pune University (now called Savitribai Phule Pune University), India, and over fifteen years of research experience. She carried out her postdoctoral research at the Louisiana State University, USA. She has also taught microbiology to undergraduate and postgraduate students at Modern College, Pune, and has been a Project Manager at Kan Biosys, an agribiotech company in Pune, India. This initial phase of her career included research areas like anaerobic microbiology, oil field microbiology, microbial ecology, and environmental biotechnology.
Subsequently, she transitioned into a role encompassing science communication and outreach, when she joined NCCS as a scientist in 2012. She now manages diverse aspects of public engagement and science communication, as well as science administration at NCCS. She has served as a member of the review panel for the EURAXESS Science Slam India 2019, and as a member of the British Council’s panel that reviewed applications received for the first FameLab India competition in 2017. She also dabbles in exploring ways to blend science and art, and welcomes opportunities to collaborate with artists, technologists and scientists. She was shortlisted from over 200 international applicants for participation in ‘Scientific Delirium Madness (SDM 2017)’, an initiative of Leonardo/ISAST & the Djerassi Resident Artists Program that annually brings together six scientists and six artists for a month-long residency in California, USA.
Email: jyoti@nccs.res.in
Office Tel. No.: +91-020-25708128
Last updated On : 23 July 2024 04:51